Frankish Belt Set in Bronze and Silver
I have copied this Frankish belt set from an orignal find from Baden-Würtenburg in Germany. This type of buckle set is pre-Viking, dating from the beginning of the 7th century.
It has such magnificent art work that I couldn't resist making it. The plates are cast in bronze, and the rivets and pin piece are solid sterling silver. The original was produced in an Alamannic workshop, probably for a rich lord from a Frankish court.
This buckle set requires a special kind of belt that I can make for you for an extra cost of 80 GBP. Please email us if you want to order one.
Takes strap 38mm (1 ½ inches) wide, or wider.
Length of entire set, as pictured, 210mm (8¼ inches)
BBrett RuscoeAnother beautiful peice,if you are thinking of purchasing this peice,unless you have skills probably worth letting nvs assemble as it is rather tricky, thanks again nvs.
Thanks Brett
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